Yes, it is very good, especially at the price point it sells at. On a scale of 10, I would give it 9 stars. The overall satisfaction with the SkyTrak is high for me due to many different factors that I will get into below.
Update: I have now played over 1,000 rounds and would actually rate it a 10 out of 10 based on longevity, quality of software availability and feedback to help with game improvement!
I spent about a year researching and still have some final hesitation, but 1,000 rounds later I am thrilled and thankful!
I finally jumped in and purchased a SkyTrak Launch Monitor and paired it with The Golf Club (TGC) Software proving a great combination. I will share my experiences, thoughts and views based on the 500 rounds of golf I have played on my SkyTrak Launch Monitor.
During this time I have greatly enjoyed my SkyTrak Launch Monitor and have played over 500 rounds with family and friends and have seen great game improvement.
I would still highly recommend Rain or Shine golf for all of your Golf Simulator Needs! They offer some highly competitive prices and financing!
My Current Golf Simulator Setup
I purchased the SkyTrak Launch Monitor in addition to the TGC Software. The TGC Software is truly something special from a graphics standpoint and the number of courses that are available. So many of the best courses and top 100 throughout the world are available. What TGC did that was so brilliant in allowing users to create courses.
This has lead to many of the actual courses in addition to some fictitious courses that bring about some great challenges and awesome views. I currently have a 14 foot bay enclosure with a gaming computer and an Optoma projector. My hitting mat is 9×5, which helps as both of my sons are lefty golfers. Rain or Shine golf sells everything you need for a golf simulator build.

Is the SkyTrak Any Good – Benefit 1: Ease of Setup
The setup with the SkyTrak makes it superior to many of the other options. I also considered the ProTee, which is also an incredible option for the price, but I was nervous about the setup and the total width that I have in my garage. I have two sons that are both lefty and wanted to ensure we have enough space.
We are able to play and simply move the SkyTrak back and forth and use tape on the mat to ensure alignment and ease of use. The option to not use a cord with the SkyTrak and link via a wireless connection helps with righty and lefty play. Overall, we have enjoyed many hours of enjoyment, playing some of the worlds best courses. There are also some great shorter courses for kids that allow for a high level of enjoyment in addition to a great challenge for the kids. Overall, after taking out of the box and charging, there really isn’t any setup challenges or issues. It’s a simple plug and play approach.
Is the SkyTrak Any Good – Benefit 2: Mobile
The SkyTrak is easy to take with you to the driving range and can be paired with your Ipad or your Iphone through the SkyTrak game improvement software. The ability to use it as a launch monitor at the driving range is a great bonus. Now you can track your data during your practice sessions. For me, I enjoy practicing right in my golf simulator setup, because I am able to setup at 150 yards on a great approach shot and set the TGC software to auto rewind and practice the shots I am struggling with.
While I have played over 500 rounds on the SkyTrak simulator setup, I have also hit thousands of shots with my irons from various spots on some of the greatest golf courses in the world. The approach shot at Bay Hill on #18 is a great deal of fun and a challenge at the same time. Or the tee shot on the famous island green at TPC Sawgrass on the 17th hole. It brings about great fun and practice opportunities.
Is the SkyTrak Any Good – Benefit 3: Accuracy
I did a data analysis of my past 15 rounds in real golf and in simulator golf and I was amazed by the accuracy of the SkyTrak and how close my scores were between simulator golf and real golf. Over the course of 30 total rounds, 15 in real golf and 15 in simulator golf, there was only a 5 shot different. I took 1102 strokes in simulator golf and 1097 in real golf. Here is the chart below:
Golf Simulator Score | Relative to Par | 15 Total Rounds | Real Golf Score | Relative to Par |
72 | 1 | Round #1 | 76 | 4 |
75 | 0 | Round #2 | 78 | 6 |
72 | 3 | Round #3 | 74 | 3 |
81 | 9 | Round #4 | 71 | 0 |
75 | 3 | Round #5 | 70 | -1 |
73 | 3 | Round #6 | 71 | 0 |
75 | 3 | Round #7 | 72 | 0 |
71 | -1 | Round #8 | 73 | 1 |
71 | -1 | Round #9 | 72 | 1 |
72 | 1 | Round #10 | 74 | 3 |
73 | 3 | Round #11 | 74 | 3 |
72 | 1 | Round #12 | 74 | 4 |
72 | 1 | Round #13 | 72 | 1 |
72 | 1 | Round #14 | 73 | 3 |
76 | 4 | Round #15 | 73 | 2 |
1102 | 31 | 1097 | 30 | |
73.47 | 2.07 | 73.13 | 2 |
Overall, the accuracy of the SkyTrak at the price point it is at makes it difficult to beat. You can get into a complete package that your friends will envy for right around $7,000. You can also finance this. I recommend using Rain or Shine Golf due to the financing options and customer service. They are your one stop shop for everything golf simulator related.
Is the SkyTrak Any Good – Benefit 4: Price Point
The price point for the SkyTrak is quite impressive. Considering that golf simulators used to cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-40 thousand dollars and wasn’t much of a possibility for the average person. Now for between 5-7 thousand dollars you can have a pretty impressive setup. I personally use the 3rd bay of my garage and the ultimate would be someday have my simulator setup in a room in my house or in my basement. Check current price on simulator packages.
Maybe someday I will be able to have this setup, but in the meantime, the garage is a great option. Talk about a great stress relief after a bad day at work, to be able to play 18 holes in 30 minutes brings about great stress relief and game development
Is the SkyTrak Any Good – Benefit 5: Data
The game improvement software on the SkyTrak collects data for you as your take on different challenges with different clubs throughout your bag. You can figure out your average carry distance and utilize this data to help you when you get to the course. Overall, the data on the ball data is quite impressive and accurate. Many have compared the SkyTrak to much more expensive options on the market and the SkyTrak holds it on both accuracy and the data provided.
Is the SkyTrak Any Good – Benefit 6: Feedback
With the SkyTrak the feedback provided on ball speed, spin ratio and launch angle provides a great amount of information for game improvement. I have been able to hone my swing to produce a 2-3 degree club path and have reduced my amount of side spin. My start like with my irons has become very consistent.
When I have combined this data to measure my progress with my swing as I studied the teachings of Mike Malaska, Shawn Clement, and Monte Scheinblum, I have been able to improve through the feedback the data provides in addition to access to some of the best teachers throughout the world. I have seen about a 4 shot reduction in my overall average score.
The analysis that I completed shows I average right around 2 strokes over par for a round of golf, but prior to getting the golf simulator I averaged close to 6 shots over par per round. 4 strokes at this point of my game development is great improvement and I contribute it to the feedback and the ability to practice everyday.
Is the SkyTrak Any Good – Benefit 7: Ball Tracer
Through the combination of the SkyTrak with TGC, it has been an impressive and has exceeded expectations. The ball tracer, even with a 2-3 second delay, allows me to visualize the patterns of my golf swing. My number one bad shot is the shot that over draws and finished left of the target.
The ball tracer helps you truly see what your ball flight is doing. I actually enjoy the 2-3 second delay with the SkyTrak as it has allowed me to ingrain certain feels in my swing and I can predict the shot that I hit and sure enough 90% of the time I can predict what will happen based on what I am feeling. It helps one grow their feel for their swing and make corrections on the course.
You truly get to own your swing and the results that you have. Corrections on a course are more doable now. I am able to ease into a round of golf and stay patient, knowing that I will find a feel that works for that day.
Is the SkyTrak Any Good – Benefit 8: Game Improvement
While the SkyTrak does not provide the data that a Trackman would provide or other devices that cost anywhere between 15-30 thousand dollars, the ability to have quick, affordable access to practice and real golf brings about a great opportunity to improve your game. Let’s face it, the number one barrier many of us have to playing golf is time. Combine this with months of bad weather in the winter months through many parts of the world and the overall golf season is short.
Many of us balance 40-50 hour work weeks, family commitments and other things that zap our time. However, the ability to play a 30 minute round of golf or simply practice shots in an actual course setup, is the great thing that will help us improve. If you have 15-20 thousand to spend, there are definitely better options, but for those of us with a 5-10 thousand dollar budget, the SkyTrak is the ultimate option.
Is the SkyTrak Any Good – Overall
Based on the dollar amount paid to enter the golf simulator world, I would highly recommend the SkyTrak Launch Monitor as the brains behind your golf simulator setup. When paired with TGC Software you have a realistic, affordable and reliable golf simulator setup that can bring a ton of fun, entertainment and game improvement to your life.
The accessibility and easy to setup right out of the box makes it a great option for those amateurs looking to play golf more frequently. Our goal at golfjourney365 is to play golf as often as possible, hopefully daily! Join the club and have a blast.
If you are looking for a vendor to use for your golf simulator package, I would recommend Rain or Shine golf and check out their packages, check current price on packages here.
9 out of 10 Stars
The reason I don’t give a 10 out of 10 is that occasionally the SkyTrak has a misread or a no read. This can be expected at this price point and doesn’t happen often, but if that were ever shored up, then I would provide a 10 out of 10. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed in the SkyTrak.
And Finally…
I have written many post on the golf simulator build and the Skytrak, below is a link to the many Golf Simulator related posts that have been created. Take some time, check out our resources and then check out Rain or Shine Golf. Are you ready to play golf 365 days a year and join us on the golf journey? Your game will get better and you will have fun!
Other Frequently Asked Questions about Golf Simulators?
- Is a Golf Simulator Worth It?
- How to Build a Golf Simulator?
- What is the Best Golf Simulator?
- Golf Simulator Accessories?
- How to Build a Golf Simulator for under $7000
- Top 11 Reasons to Buy a SkyTrak
- How to Build a Golf Simulator for Under $1000
- Why Build A Golf Simulator?
- What Space is Needed?
- Can A Golf Simulator Improve My Game?
- How Much Does A Golf Simulator Cost?
- What is the Golf Simulator Experience Like?