Bobby Lopez is one entertaining golf instructor. The man has a great time regardless of what he is doing with golf and tries to have fun. He is active and ready to go and loves to share his golf knowledge with anyone that is listening.
While he does not quite have the following of some of the big names on the internet, he has some difficult to beat prices where he will guide your swing improvement for an annual fee and provide frequent feedback as you seek a quick swing fix or a complete makeover.
Can Bobby Lopez help your game? Below we provide a complete review of Bobby Lopez and his approach to online golf instruction. One of the geat things about the time we live in is the access to some of the best instructors across the country.
Bobby is located on the east coast, but people all around the world can benefit from the videos he puts on his youtube channel and the website that he has created. Plus, Bobby Lopez can still play the game at a high level, even as he ages.

I break down my review of Bobby Lopez into 8 categories to help you decide, based on the information provided, whether Bobby Lopez can help your game. He is a very solid instructor that has fun!
- 1 – Swing Approach/Philosophy
- 2 – Does the Swing Philosophy of Bobby Lopez Set Up for Quality Online Instruction
- 3 – Simplicity of Instruction – Is it Repeatable?
- 4 – On Screen Personality
- 5 – Quality and Quantity of the Content
- 6 – Online Instruction and Support – Further Content and membership
- 7 – Overall Can Bobby Lopez Help My Game?
- 8 – Personal Experience and Story
1 – Swing Approach/Philosophy
Bobby Lopez is more traditional in his teaching and believes in a shift of the head off of the ball and then remaining “onsides” during your downswing. When I think of Bobby Lopez, I immediately think of someone that is going to promote keeping your lead shoulder and your head behind the original starting point of these two body parts from address.
He advocates a shift off of the ball to create the space to ensure you remain “onsides” throughout the swing. In his videos he doesn’t necessarily require the golfer to move off of the ball, he just believes it provides more space to stay behind the ball during the golf swing.
He has many videos on youtube that show him analyzing the swing. You will often see him promoting a certain take away and then staying onsides during the downswing. He has many drills he often prescribes and believes in using drills to help ingrain the feeling in the golf swing to make it better and more efficient.
While people might be able to get away with certain swing faults, he promotes the proper positions to help the swing be more efficient.
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Bobby Lopez Swing Analysis
2 – Does the Swing Philosophy of Bobby Lopez Set Up for Quality Online Instruction
Based on the positional approach that Bobby utilizes, I would say yes, very much so. Bobby assesses your swing, provides drills and then will provide additional feedback. This approach sets up great for online or distance based golf instruction. The ability to use video back and forth and receive frequent feedback can help someone in their game.
With the Bobby Lopez approach, the golfer can see Bobby break down the swing and point out the different issues. From there, the golfer can take the specific drills and get to work. The golfer can then record his or her swing again and look for the issues that Bobby had highlighted.
If the golfer is a member of Bobby’s site, the golfer can send another video to him of either the drill swing or the actual swing to receive further feedback. Bobby’s access to his students is impressive and at such a reasonable cost. He will help with the full swing, chipping and putting.
From working with him online, you might even consider wanting to pay an actual visit because he is someone that people seem to enjoy being around. His energy is contagious and fun!
3 – Simplicity of Instruction – Is it Repeatable?
The drill based approach allows a golfer to fall back to the drills for the quick fix they are seeking. Also with video and the access to Bobby, a golfer will never feel out on an island, wondering what they need to do next.
Bring out a drill or two and get to work and find the issue with the swing. I also believe that from working with Bobby the golfer will learn more about the swing and quickly learn to watch video and see certain issues that the golfer might typically struggle with.
The approach from Bobby is simple and repeatable. He wants you to load up on the right side and then throw the club down the fairway, replacing your front shoulder with your back shoulder and making a complete turn back and then through. He doesn’t want any sliding in the swing, instead he wants you to turn out of the way and throw the club down the fairway. The simplicity of the approach by Bobby is refreshing.
4 – On Screen Personality
There is not another golf instructor out there like Bobby Lopez. While he looks and sounds like an older Lee Trevino, he is constantly having fun and making jokes.
One of the best videos I enjoyed was his round with Be Better Golf (see below for link). You get to hear stories about Bobby and actually see him play. How many golf instructors are willing to go on video and play golf? Bobby has no fear.
He gets out there and shows his game! He is someone that appears to care about everyone he interacts with and is always looking for a good laugh.
5 – Quality and Quantity of the Content
Bobby is someone that has built his brand on helping others through swing analysis. He has a complete database of drills that he can prescribe for the golfer. While a great deal of his drills require a membership, the membership amount is very reasonable.
He also has weekly webinars where members can join and ask questions. This allows a member to log on and ask a question or to learn a topic more in depth.
He loves to break down swings and analyzes everyone from amateurs to professionals. He also utilizes many of the pros swings to compare to your own to show the positions he wants you in. He frequently utilizes Rory McIlroy’s swing and Sergio Garcia’s swing.
There are some lesser known pros that he will utilize frequently. The nice thing is to be able to see the comparisons between what you do and the pros do. This visual approach in addition to the drills creates a quality combination.
6 – Online Instruction and Support – Further Content and membership
His memberships allow for complete access to his drill library, so many swing analysis options per month and his weekly webinars where you can log in, learn more and ask questions. There is not a complete system or Bobby just standing in front of the camera talking about the swing.
Instead he takes the approach to show him helping others or demonstrating a drill. He relies on the swing analysis to help golfers and believes that the fix should be doable and shouldn’t take months to get better.
Here is more from
Quick Fix Golf is a proven program to fix your game…quickly! The teaching professionals at Quick Fix are skilled at 1) immediately identifying swing flaws, and 2) communicating guidance and practice drills to dramatically improve anyone’s golf swing.
7 – Overall Can Bobby Lopez Help My Game?
I can say with confidence that Bobby Lopez can help many of the golfers out there. He is solid in his approach. If you are looking for someone to get into ground forces and break down the swing from a trackman perspective and talk about some of the new terms, then you may need to look elsewhere.
However, if you want someone to keep it simple, prescribe some drills and then you can check back in for feedback, then Bobby Lopez is your guy! Many of the best online golf instructors put video after video out there in hopes of selling you a membership that provides further videos, where Bobby wants to give you one on one feedback, provide drills to help you and then finally grow your understanding of the swing.
8 – Personal Experience and Story
I have sent multiple videos to Bobby Lopez over the past several years and he has definitely helped my game. I used to be someone that frequently was “offsides” and by Bobby pointing this out and assigning his 2 O’clock drill, I was able to practice and feel what staying “onsides” felt like.
Most recently from a caddie view video I took of myself, I noticed I was starting to move in front of the ball again. I had noticed my contact felt off and I was missing a bit left with my irons. I simply took out my cell phone, captured several videos from the side view and from my time with Bobby I was able to self diagnose.
I went and used the 2 O’clock drill and was soon enough hitting the ball crisp once again. It wasn’t anything fancy, but rather a quick swing fix that truly did help.
How Many Stars for Bobby Lopez?
I would give Bobby Lopez 5 out of 5 stars. Why? His approach is simple to understand and he is willing to work with you one on one for a fraction of the cost of most instructors online or in person.
The support for a complete year allows you to be patient in development while avoiding going through big dips in the implementation stage. His energy is contagious and he makes it all sound simple, which gives you the confidence that you can make it happen.
Bobby Lopez knows the golf swing, is solid in his approach and wants to see you get better. The simplicity and the utilization of the drills cannot be overlooked.
My Top 5 Bobby Lopez Videos on Youtube
So where should you start with Bobby Lopez? I would recommend these 5 videos below. These 5 have been the most helpful to me and I believe they will also give you a better overview of Bobby’s swing philosophy and his approach to the game of golf and golf instruction.
Special shoutout to Brendon DeVore. He is on a journey to play his best golf and discover how to help us all grow as well. His Be Better Golf videos are worth checking out. I have been able to learn a great deal from his videos as he has worked with many of the best in the world. Keep up the great work Brendon!
Bobby Lopez – Onsides
I believe this video is pure gold and maybe Ken if the best on the internet. The amount of quality information is difficult to surpass. It is also refreshing to hear the golfer ask some quality questions to better help us understand the approach.
Bobby Lopez – Unstuck
This video is great for those of us that can get “stuck” on the downswing. THe tips are truly helpful.
BBG vs Bobby Lopez – Actual Round of Golf
It always impresses me when online golf instructors are willing to put their game out there on videos. Here is Bobby playing with a student of his.
BBG vs Bobby Lopez – Part 2
Bobby Lopez – How To Get Shaft Lean
Any Finally…
The quality and quantity of the advice you receive from Bobby in a one to one setting is difficult to beat. While it is online, utilizing the technology to help you grow your game is smart. We now have access to the best instructors in the world and Bobby is something special. Take advantage of the opportunity.
We have provided guides on how to break 100, 90, 80 and 70. Check out more below, if interested.