Which Golf Clubs Need Covers? (Overview)

A driver, any fairway woods and your putter need a golf club cover without question.  The cost of these clubs and the materials they are made out of make a golf club a necessity.  The golfer wants to ensure these clubs remain in good condition and perform at their highest level.

Golf clubs cost a lot of money.  

For a brand new set of golf clubs that includes a driver, 3 wood, 5 wood, irons, wedges and a putter a golfer could spend anywhere between $750 and $6000.

Which leads us to the question of if you need covers and which golf clubs need covers.

Which golf clubs need covers?

Some golfers will put covers on their hybrids and sometimes even their irons.  While not necessary, we understand that golfers want to ensure that their investment lasts a long time.

Another benefit of the golfer club covers is that they keep the clubs from clanging around when in transport in your car and when the back of a golf cart or if you carry your bag.  They help keep the noise down as well as provide protection.

Let’s face it, we want our golf clubs to look great for as long as possible.  Most golfers take great pride in their equipment and ensure that they clean after every shot and after every round.

3 Reasons you need head covers!

You can go with the standard manfacture provided driver cover or pick one of the options below!

Quick Review

Need a golf club cover without question – 100%:

  • Driver
  • Fairway Woods
  • Putter

Need a golf club cover optional – 50%

  • Hybrids

Do not neet a golf club cover – 0%

  • Irons

*Some golfers will choose to use iron covers although they are not needed.  Some golfers are extra meticulous with their clubs and will use covers, which is perfectly fine.

Where do golf clubs go in the bag?

We recommend keeping the clubs with covers like a driver and fairway woods in the middle of the bag with your irons around the edges.  This not only helps with protection, but keeps the irons from clanging around.  The putter is often in it’s own slot on one of the edges of the golf bag.  This provides protection and quick access as its the one club you are going to use on every hole.

What driver cover should I use?

Brand new drivers come with a standard golf head cover from the manufacturer.  This is perfectly fine to use and will provide protection for your brand new driver.  Other options include a head cover that helps you personalize a bag whether it is a college, favorite sports team or character cover that are sold in the golf market.

Final Thoughts: Caring For You Gear

At the end of the day, you want all of your gear to last a long time. Whether it is your golf clubs, your golf bag or your golf shoes, these products cost some decent money. Taking care and pride in your gear is important. Make it last until you want to replace.

One more great reasons to take care of your gear is that there is a secondary market for clubs and bags. There is always some trade value at different golf sites or can be sold golfer to golfer. Take care of your gear, get the highest performance and cash in when ready for your next set of golf clubs.

How to clean white golf shoes

My Secret To Golf Improvement

Let’s face it, in order to get really good at golf, we must practice frequently.  About three years ago, I made the leap and invested in a golf simulator build for my garage.  I went with a SkyTrak Launch Monitor and the TGC software and can now play over 100,000 courses including Augusta, Pebble Beach, Bethpage Black, Whistling Straits. St. Andrews and many other of the top 100 courses in the world.

This golf simulator setup, which is more affordable that you might imagine, has been a game changer.  I can now play golf everyday of the year regardless of rain, snow, cold weather or time of day.  I can practice or play rounds of golf.  I can stand in the 11th fairway at Augusta and with the auto-rewind feature I am able to practice my approach shots from various differences.

It is worth checking out through Rain or Shine Golf as they offer some incredible packages along with financing offers that are difficult to beat.

Some direct links to Rain or Shine Golf for pricing and financing:

Take Action – What You Can Do Today to Get Better

What does this mean for you?  I believe in the following recipe to get better:

1 – Improve your motion in the golf swing by identifying a golf instructor.  Here are some options:

Here is a list of golf instructors that we have reviewed:

2 – Train to swing faster and improve your swing speed.  Here are some options:

Looking to gain more Speed and Distance in your swing. Two Options:

3 – Understand course strategy and work to break through your next barrier.  Here is a series on breaking through:

We have provided guides on how to break 100, 90, 80 and 70. Check out more below, if interested.

4 – Practice Frequently

Did you know that I build a golf simulator in my garage and have played over 500 rounds of golf on my SkyTrak system?  It has been a game changer and one worth checking out. Here are some of my other posts on golf simulators frequently asked questions:

I am an amateur golfer on a journey to get better, enjoy the game as often as possible and share my passion and knowledge with others. I have coached high school golfers at a high level and have a great passion for the game and want to give back. I enjoy learning about the golf swing and am currently studying to be a certified professional golf instructor. Join me in our journey to get better everyday.


I am an amateur golfer on a journey to get better, enjoy the game as often as possible and share my passion and knowledge with others. I have coached high school golfers at a high level and have a great passion for the game and want to give back. I enjoy learning about the golf swing and am currently studying to be a certified professional golf instructor. Join me in our journey to get better everyday.

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