5 tips to stop blading chip shots: Set up properly Use the bounce Keep your speed consistent Visualize the club sliding underneath the ball Build confidence There is nothing worse...
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Every golfer should highly consider what are the 14 best golf for his or her game. If you aren’t exploring golf clubs in the 180 yard plus range or inside of 120 yards, you are potentially...
The majority of the golfers will select the 5 hybrid over the 9 wood as it provides some quality flexibility from the tee, fairway or rough. It also helps keep the yardage gapping consistent in...
Here are 5 tips to help you stop chunking chip shots. They include: Set up properly to the ball Use the bounce Keep your speed constant Right hand under Build...
Does this situation sound familiar? You are standing over a chip shot and have great fear of the type of contact you will make. You fear the chunked shot or the bladed shot or maybe even...
A driver shaft typically is between 45 and 46 inches in length. The maximum length allowable is 48 inches, but there is now a USGA local rule that allows tournament officials to cap the length...