If you are going to spend $2000 for a Skytrak or even more for a complete simulator setup, you want to get the most accurate and realistic experience from the launch monitor.
I have now played close to 1000 rounds of golf on my Skytrak Launch Monitor in my golf simulator setup and have also used it at the driving range for feedback. The overall experience has been impressive and well worth the money.
The device is a great launch monitor at the price point it sells at and I have been able to improve my game from playing and the feedback it provides after every shot.
Below, I detail 5 Skytrak Tips to help you have a quality experience with your Skytrak Launch Monitor.
7 Skytrak Tips
- Make sure it is properly aligned
- Make sure it is level to the hitting surface
- Keep it clean for best results
- Protect your Skytrak with a protective case
- Use a clean white golf ball with a logo (preferably)
- Use the feedback to improve your swing
- Buy a quality software for an enjoyable simulator experience
Check current price of Skytrak here!

Skytrak Tip #1: Make sure it is properly aligned
The more accurate the alignment to more accurate the feedback you receive after every shot. The Skytrak provides you a reading on the following data after every shot:
- Carry and Total Distance
- Ball and Club Speed
- Spin Rate
- Spin Axis
- Launch Angle
- Club Swing Path
You want to set up your Skytrak square to your intended target and ensure that it is as straight as possible. Some golfers will use alignment sticks, tape measures, lasers and levels to ensure they are squared away with their target. If you are using a golf simulator setup, I would recommend using masking tape to mark the corners for your hitting mat and the Skytrak to keep it aligned during play.
Did you know you can finance a golf simulator? Check out Rain or Shine Golf financing options here!
Skytrak Tip #2: Make sure it is level to the hitting surface
For best results you want to have your Skytrak level to the hitting surface. If you choose to use a protective case (highly recommended) most will have adjustment features that can allow you to adjust based on the height of your hitting mat. Overtime, you will learn to develop the feel of a quality shot and match it up with the results your Skytrak will show. All recommendations from Skytrak stress this setup as vital to overall accuracy.
Complete Review on Skytrak Launch Monitor here!
Skytrak Tip #3: Keep it clean for best results
The Skytrak utilizes cameras to capture different key stats to analyze when the ball is hit. If the Skytrak becomes dusty or dirty overtime from residue on the mat, your Skytrak will start to show an increase in the number of misread shots.
Recently, I experienced this and didn’t realize how dirty or dusty my Skytrak had become and I was experiencing wedge shots that flew pretty far right. In actual golf, I rarely miss a shot right, so I was fairly confident these were misreads. Upon cleaning the Skytrak with a dry, soft, cotton based towel, the misreads stopped.
Check current price of Skytrak here!
Skytrak Tip #4: Protect your Skytrak with a protective case
If you are going to spend $2000 on a Skytrak, please make sure you spend a little bit more for the protective cover. Even the best golfers might shank a shot and you want to protect your investment. With close to 1000 rounds played, some family and friends have shanked a shot, but the protective case has done a great job of protecting the Skytrak!
Skytrak Tip #5: Use a clean white golf ball with a logo (preferably)
For the most accurate read you want to use a white golf ball that has a logo on it. I have shifted to using Titleist Pro V1s in both real golf and during my simulator play and have found the accuracy to be pretty spot on as far as shot curve and shot carry distance. When you can take your average carry distance with you to the real golf course, the ability to control your distance and hit quality shots increases!
Skytrak Tip #6: Use the feedback to improve your swing
I have found the data to be very helpful in my game improvement. I have taken my average score from the upper 70s to the lower 70s. The results have been fun and the journey has been worth it.
Playing the best courses in the world with the combination of my Skytrak and The Golf Club (TGC) software has been a difference maker! There are many times I will put my TGC software on auto-rewind and hit the tee shot on #12 at Augusta or #17 at Pebble. I then set up the auto-rewind on the 18th hole at Pebble. Talk about a fun hole to hit the driver and test your skills, while getting great feedback!
I believe in golfers focusing on hitting a stock shot and between the data and the visual of the shot tracer, you can develop this over time. Here is a great drill to utilize to build a stock shot!
Stock Shot Drill
- At the driving range, set up an alignment stick about 6-8 yards in front of you, straight down your target line.
- If you have a second alignment stick, set the stick 3-4 feet right of the first stick (for a draw) or left of the first stick (for a fade).
- Complete your initial assessment see how many times out of 10 you can start the ball to the right or left of your target. Pick one side and measure your game at this point.
- The goal is to eventually get 7 out of 10 shots to start to the correct side and draw back towards the target.
Skytrak Tip #7: Buy a quality software for an enjoyable simulator experience
The combination of the Skytrak and the TGC software provides an amazing, realistic experience that keeps me golfing 365 days a year while having fun and improving my game. It still amazes me that this can become a reality in your home, garage or even a shed.
The ability to play the best golf courses in the world while we might have 3 feet of snow in Ohio is a game changer! The other key element when you buy a quality software like TGC is a gaming computer or a computer with a quality graphics card.
The price entry for the golf simulator world has become much improved compared to several decades ago. Ready for some fun?
Best Golf Courses to Play on Golf Simulators

My Secret To Golf Improvement: Skytrak is a game changer!
Let’s face it, in order to get really good at golf, we must practice frequently. About four years ago, I made the leap and invested in a golf simulator build for my garage. I went with a SkyTrak Launch Monitor and the TGC software and can now play over 100,000 courses including Augusta, Pebble Beach, Bethpage Black, Whistling Straits. St. Andrews and many other of the top 100 courses in the world.
This golf simulator setup, which is more affordable that you might imagine, has been a game changer. I can now play golf everyday of the year regardless of rain, snow, cold weather or time of day. I can practice or play rounds of golf. I can stand in the 11th fairway at Augusta and with the auto-rewind feature I am able to practice my approach shots from various differences.
It is worth checking out through Rain or Shine Golf as they offer some incredible packages along with financing offers that are difficult to beat.
Some direct links to Rain or Shine Golf for pricing and financing:
I am an amateur golfer on a journey to get better, enjoy the game as often as possible and share my passion and knowledge with others. I have coached high school golfers at a high level and have a great passion for the game and want to give back. I enjoy learning about the golf swing and am currently studying to be a certified professional golf instructor. Join me in our journey to get better everyday.